31-й сезон, ИД 11301. Ближайшие матчи - ИД 11301 (пн 20/05/2024) Кубки стран, 1/2 финала
select pl.id, pl.name, if(pl.team, pl.team, ifnull(plch.team, 0)) as team, pl.age, pl.nation, pl.ability, pl.potential, pl.experience, pl.condition, pl.days_rest, pl.days_injury, pl.speed, pl.stamina, pl.injury_proneness, pl.dirtyness, pl.discipline, pl.simulation, pl.leadership, pl.versatility, pl.adaptability, pl.will, if(pl.team, tm.name, concat(tmc.name, ' (тренер)')) as tm_name, c.name as country_name, min(pp.position) as min_position, if(pl.team, tc.id, tmcc.id) as team_country, pl.penalty_taking, pl.penalty_stopping, pl.dfk_taking, pl.ifk_taking, pl.heading, pl.dribbling, pl.passing, pl.shooting, pl.tackling, pl.rushing_out, pl.reflexes, pl.gk_technique, pl.national_status, pl.lost_experience, pl.one_on_ones, tc.name as team_country_name, pl.interception, trl.id as trl_id, lnl.id as lnl_id, pl.retired, trl.price as trl_price, ifnull(plch.job, 0) as is_coach, pl.full_name from countries c, player_positions pp, players pl left join teams tm on tm.id = pl.team left join countries tc on tm.country = tc.id, players pl4 left join transfer_list trl on pl4.id = trl.player, players pl5 left join loan_list lnl on pl5.id = lnl.player, players pl6 left join coaches plch on plch.player = pl6.id and plch.team left join teams tmc on plch.team = tmc.id left join countries tmcc on tmc.country = tmcc.id where pl.nation = c.id and pl.name like '%%' and pp.player = pl.id and pl.id = pl4.id and pl.id = pl5.id and pl.id = pl6.id and (pl.nation = 0 or not 0) and (pl.age >= 0 or not 0) and (pl.age <= 0 or not 0) and (pl.ability >= 0 or not 0) and (pl.ability <= 0 or not 0) and (pl.potential >= 0 or not 0) and (pl.potential <= 0 or not 0) and (not 0 or 0 in (select position from player_positions where player = pl.id)) and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 group by pp.player order by 8 desc, 1 asc limit 0, 50
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